Edgar Royston “Taffy” DAVIESAge: 50 years1902–1952
- Name
- Edgar Royston “Taffy” DAVIES
- Type
- birth name
- Given names
- Edgar Royston
- Surname
- Nickname
- Taffy
Birth | March 21, 1902 25 |
Special Licence | Marriage Licence December 6, 1923 (Age 21 years)Address: Faculty Office,
28 Knightrider Street,
Doctors Commons,
London E.C.4,
England |
Religious marriage | Madge Lillian CHALLIS — View this family December 8, 1923 (Age 21 years) Husband: 21 years Wife: 22 years Shared note:
Madge shown to be living at 49, Hinton Road, Lambeth. The marriage was by licence and the witnesses were Ethel and William Dobson. |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Dilys Dolores DAVIES July 25, 1924 (Age 22 years) Address: 47, High Street, Sawston, Cambs |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Moyra Mary DAVIES July 11, 1926 (Age 24 years) |
Birth of a daughter #3 | Valerie Diana DAVIES January 1, 1929 (Age 26 years) |
Birth of a son #4 | Jeremy William DAVIES June 12, 1932 (Age 30 years) |
Death | November 23, 1952 (Age 50 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Jeremiah DAVIES Birth: September 1876 34 — Brynmawr, Monmouthshire, Wales Death: |
mother | |
Marriage: June 1901 — Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales |
10 months himself |
Birth: March 21, 1902 25 Death: November 23, 1952 — Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, Cambs, England |
Family with Madge Lillian CHALLIS |
himself |
Birth: March 21, 1902 25 Death: November 23, 1952 — Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, Cambs, England |
wife |
Birth: August 17, 1901 27 28 — Sawston, Cambs, England Death: June 21, 1994 — Hillside Retirement Home, Great Cornard, Suffolk, England |
Marriage: December 8, 1923 — St. Saviours Church, Herne Hill Road, Lambeth, London, England |
8 months daughter |
Birth: July 25, 1924 22 22 — Sawston, Cambs, England Death: August 20, 2015 — Pasadena, Texas, U.S.A. |
2 years daughter |
Moyra Mary DAVIES Birth: July 11, 1926 24 24 — Sawston, Cambs, England Death: September 14, 2016 — Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge |
3 years daughter |
Valerie Diana DAVIES Birth: January 1, 1929 26 27 |
3 years son |
Jeremy William DAVIES Birth: June 12, 1932 30 30 |
Marriage |
Madge shown to be living at 49, Hinton Road, Lambeth. The marriage was by licence and the witnesses were Ethel and William Dobson. |
Birth | S05. Edgar Davies Birth cert Format: application/pdf File size: 113 KB Type: Photo |
Special Licence | S11. Madge & Edgar Special Marriage Licence.pdf Format: application/pdf File size: 489 KB Type: Document |
Marriage | S6.Madge & Edgar Marriage Certificate.pdf Format: application/pdf File size: 125 KB Type: Document |
Death | S04. Edgar Davies Death Cert Format: application/pdf File size: 140 KB Type: Photo |
Media object | Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 1,000 × 1,515 pixels File size: 142 KB Type: Photo Highlighted image: yes |
Media object | S04. Edgar Davies Death Cert Format: application/pdf File size: 140 KB Type: Photo |