Agnes Caroline CHALLISAge: 39 years1852–1892
- Name
- Agnes Caroline CHALLIS
- Given names
- Agnes Caroline
- Surname
Birth | September 1852 30 28 |
Death of a mother | Frances WHYBRO December 1852 (Age 3 months) Note: I now think the below entry is dubious in view of the burial record shown at Little Shelford in 1854.
I believe that Frances may well have died in December 1852 in Wantage (2c 196). This is the only death record I can find in this name, it comes 3 months after the birth of Agnes and may explain the Sawston Church record entry for 1853 which has no other detail and why there is no mention of Frances in the Sawston Church record. |
Marriage | Frederick James FREESTONE — View this family April 14, 1873 (Age 20 years) Source: Sawston Parish Registers - On CD Publication: CFHS Citation details: Marriages Year 1873 Text: Sawston Marriages 1873
Apr 14 FREESTONE Frederick James full bac lab otp son of George lab
CHALLIS Agnes Caroline full sp [blank] otp dau of Thomas grocer
wits: Arthur William FREESTONE, Agnes WARD Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Rose FREESTONE 1873 (Age 20 years) |
Death | January 1892 (Age 39 years) Note: Jan 1892 Death of daughter Agnes Caroline CHALLIS in Farnham, Surrey.
This is taken from another site and has not yet been confirmed from records. |
Family with parents |
father |
Thomas CHALLIS Birth: September 19, 1821 27 26 — Sawston, Cambs, England Death: |
mother |
Frances WHYBRO Birth: 1824 — Little Shelford, Cambs, England Death: December 1852 — Wantage, Oxfordshire, England |
Marriage: 1848 — |
2 years elder sister |
Catherine Ann CHALLIS Birth: 1849 27 25 — Sawston, Cambs, England Death: |
4 years herself |
Family with Frederick James FREESTONE |
husband | |
herself |
Marriage: April 14, 1873 — St.Marys Church, Sawston, Cambs, England |
9 months daughter |
Rose FREESTONE Birth: 1873 20 Death: |
Marriage | Sawston Parish Registers - On CD Publication: CFHS Citation details: Marriages Year 1873 Text: Sawston Marriages 1873
Apr 14 FREESTONE Frederick James full bac lab otp son of George lab
CHALLIS Agnes Caroline full sp [blank] otp dau of Thomas grocer
wits: Arthur William FREESTONE, Agnes WARD Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death | Jan 1892 Death of daughter Agnes Caroline CHALLIS in Farnham, Surrey.
This is taken from another site and has not yet been confirmed from records. |
Note | Marriages
Apr 14 FREESTONE Frederick James full bac lab otp son of George lab
CHALLIS Agnes Caroline full sp [blank] otp dau of Thomas grocer
wits: Arthur William FREESTONE, Agnes WARD
From St Marys Sawston Parish records. |
Media object | Agnes Caroline Format: image/png Image dimensions: 300 × 292 pixels File size: 38 KB Type: Photo Highlighted image: yes |